Internet Safety In Action

Internet Safety In Action E-Pack:

This pack contains all the information covered in the Internet Safety in Action Staff Training event.

This is a comprehensive guide of all the most recent internet safety resources available to you.

internet safety training

Resources & Support

Internet Matters:

CEOP Education (Formerly thinkuknow):

Childnet International:

UK Safer Internet Centre:

Parental Control Software:

Support & Advice About Games:

  • PEGI (Pan European Game Information): European video game content rating system that provides age and content descriptors about the suitability of video games for the age of your child.
  • Ask About Games: Access video guides on how keep children safe while playing online games.
  • Common Sense Media: Nonprofit organization that provides unbiased information and ratings of movies and apps to help them make informed decisions about age-appropriate content for children.

Research and Publications:

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