Anti-Bullying Week 2020 – United Against Bullying: Resources 

by | Jun 19, 2020

The new theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 has been announced, it is… 

United Against Bullying


The new theme provides the opportunity to discuss a range of anti-bullying topics with your school such as: 

Everyone has a part to play…

For schools, this is a powerful message for students. We can encourage students to think about the power that they have to make a positive difference at their school, even through seemingly small actions.


Unity and Teamwork…

The theme of united against bullying also emphasises the importance of working together, and celebrating difference. This can be used to reinforce a culture of inclusivenes and acceptance with your school culture. 

Here are five resources that you can access now, to help you, your school staff and all of your students, to be united against bullying as students start to return to school: 


1. The Anti-Bullying Alliance: Tackling Race and Faith Targeted Bullying Face to Face and Online

Anti Bullying Week United Against BullyingTo help schools address the challenge of racist bullying, and racist incidents, the Anti-Bullying Alliance have provided this guide.






There is also this supporting video with the Top 5 Tips for Schools to help you address and prevent racist bullying and racist incidents. 



2. The Anti-Bullying Alliance: All Together Programme:

anti bullying week 2020 united against bullyingThe All Together Programme is a whole school online Anti-Bullying programme and it has recently been extended to March 2021. It provides schools with access to targeted resources to help tackle bullying, questionnaires to assess the levels of bullying and welling being among your students, along with CPD for staff. 




3. OpenView Education: Anti-Bullying Videos & Lesson Plans

Anti Bullying Week 2020 lesson plansThese anti-bullying teaching resources and videos are free to access and they are regularly updated. These resources are a great way of starting conversations about bullying within your school and they can be used to deliver targeted lessons on a range of anti-bullying topics. 


4. Youth Access: Remote Support Toolkit

This toolkit provides clear, evidence based practices for how we can support young people’s mental health and wellbeing remotely. If you, or any of your teachers are currently delivering remote sessions, this guide could help to highlight important things to think about. 



5. OpenView Education’s Anti-Bullying Workshops & Shows

anti-bullying workshopsHigh quality, theatre based anti-bullying workshops and theatre is a powerful way of supporting the anti-bullying message within your school. 

Our new Anti-Bullying Show Time To Unite has been created specifically to support the Anti-Bullying Week theme of United Against Bullying, and every school receives a Time To Unite resource pack to support your teachers and students. 





So, Anti-Bullying Week 2020 will be taking place from: 

Monday 16th November to Friday 20th November 2020

Odd Socs Day will be taking place on: 

Monday 16th November 2020

I hope you found this useful, and from everyone at OpenView Education, whatever challenges you’re currently facing, we wish you all the best in the coming weeks.

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