‘Own It’ App from the BBC: Promoting Wellbeing Online
The BBC has launched a new App called Own It to promote students well being. It has been created to help young people who are getting their first smart phone to stay safe online.
The aim of the app so to help young people to have a safe and positive experience while using the internet on their smart phone or device.
The app will be available from early 2019, it will provide helpful advice and messages to support positive behaviour choices while using the internet.
The app will run in the background allow it to give instant advice and suggestions as the device is being used.
The app will:
Analyse the use of language in messages, and suggesting how these may be perceived by others.
Providing a warning messages if personal details are going to be shared.
We think this could be a fantastic app for young people using the internet for the first time to help them to cultivate wellbeing and positive mental health. We look forward to checking out the App early next year.
The information we cover in our Internet Safety Workshops for Schools includes practical strategies parents, carers and young people can use to stay safe online.
It’s technologies such as this that can be a great help for young people who are using the internet for the first time, to stay safe online.
For more information about our internet safety workshops, internet safety parent and carer sessions. check out our e-safety page.