by | Nov 2, 2020

This year, we need unity more than ever before, and as proud Associate Members of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, we create brand new Anti-Bullying workshops every year to support the Anti-Bullying Week theme.

Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is from Monday 16th November 2020 – Friday 20th November 2020. This year’s theme is: United Against Bullying. 

Children and young people have been through a lot this year, and have had to adapt quickly to new challenges and situations that have been completely unprecedented. So that’s why, this year our new Anti-Bullying workshop for Key Stage 2 focuses on courage, specifically: How can you use courage to make your school an even better place?

Students will learn that courage is not always doing something big and bold, but courage can often be in the little things: Returning to school, not laughing at an unkind joke, checking to see if someone is okay, supporting our classmates. 

In this high energy, fast paced, interactive anti-bullying workshop for KS2, your students will take part in drama activities, role-play and discussions to learn how they can use the power of courage to become united against bullying!

Students will learn core skills for improving their confidence, and how to speak up and support their peers. This includes how we can change our body language so that we look and feel more confident, and how we can use ‘The Sentence of Strength’ to speak up for ourselves in a calm and assertive way. Students will understand the importance of working together – And learn how they all have a part to play to make their school an even better place. 

This Anti-Bullying workshop highlights a whole school message that can be carried through the entire school community – It will bring your students together, and they’ll enjoy a positive and powerful learning experience!

Get in touch today to find out how our Anti-Bullying Workshop could work for your students.

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