Anti-Bullying Week 2022 – Reach Out

by | May 11, 2022

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 is celebrated throughout November. Last year 80% of schools took part in Anti-Bullying Week, so we’re delighted to hear that Anti-Bullying Alliance have now announced the new theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2022.

So for Anti-Bullying Week 2022 the theme is…

Reach Out

‘This Anti-Bullying Week let’s come together and reach out to stop bullying. Bullying affects millions of young lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by reaching out.’

So as November approaches, there is so much to look forward to. A great place to start is to watch the new Anti-Bullying Week 2022 video and why not share it in your school Newsletter?


Get ready for Odd Socks Day 2022

Odd Socks Day will also be taking place on the Monday of Anti-Bullying Week 2022 (Monday 14th November!) Andy Day and the Odd Socks will also be taking part in the event and creating a new song to support this important national event.

Anti-Bullying School Packs

Remember to keep an eye on the Anti-Bullying Alliance website because they will be releasing resource packs for primary and secondary schools. Make sure to download these to help your school celebrate Anti-Bullying Week 2022.

Get involved on Social Media

Help this years Anti-Bullying Week have a bigger reach than ever before by getting involved on social media. If your school is taking part in Anti-Bullying Week 2022, get on Twitter and let us know what your planning, or just let us know what you think of the new theme.

When you write your Tweet, remember to include these hashtags:

  • #AntiBullyingWeek
  • #ReachOut
  • @ABAonline
  • @OpenViewEd

And if your tweeting about Odd Socks Day, include #OddSocksDay


Book your Whole School Anti-Bullying Workshops

At OpenView Education we are proud to be Associate Members of the Anti-Bullying Alliance. To support schools to mark the occasion for Anti-Bullying Week this year, we are providing new Anti-Bullying Workshops created specifically to support the Reach Out Anti-Bullying Week theme.

Our Anti-Bullying Workshops use drama to empower students with skills that they can use to respond to bullying and conflict situations. We have workshops created specifically for each key stage, allowing us to provide a whole school experience.

This year also sees the return of our Anti-Bullying Theatre Show, The Power of Change. This high energy, interactive theatre shows is a great way to kick start your Anti-Bullying Event. The show caters for up to 300 students at a time. It includes circus skills, puppetry, audience participation. And it’s got real educational value, students come away from the performance learning the definition of bullying and what we can do if we see or experience bullying.

Get in touch today to reserve a day for your school.

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