Anti-Bullying Week 2018
Anti-Bullying Week 2018 is fast approaching, and we’ll be very busy here at OpenView Education with schools all across the country using our workshops and performances to take a whole school approach to tackle bullying and focus on friendship.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance announced this year’s theme as “Choose Respect,” which we think is a fantastic theme and ideal for this generation of students. No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you look like, everyone has the right to be treated with respect.
A word that is used a lot alongside Anti-Bullying is “Tolerance.” For example: “Tolerating people that are different from you.” We like to look at this differently. Rather than “tolerating”, we ask why it’s good to have a friend who is different from you, and our workshop for KS1 is called “Celebrating Difference.” Rather than “tolerating”, we encourage empathy and understanding, and approach the topic positively in terms of friendship and looking out for each other.
When we sat down this year to create our brand new show, we wanted to link it to “Choose Respect”, and so “Becoming An Upstander!” was born. Research shows that one of the best ways to stop bullying is for bystanders to say something when they see bullying, by doing this, a bystander becomes an upstander.
We are proud to provide high quality, excellent Anti-Bullying workshops for primary schools that really make a difference to young people’s well being. All of our workshops are performance and drama-based, the idea being that if students have practiced how to deal with potential bullying situations, they will know what to do if they ever find themselves experiencing this.
Book today and make Anti-Bullying Week 2018 a week to remember.